


4-Fea For Sale

4-FEA, also known as 4-Fluoroethamphetamine, is a synthetic research chemical belonging to the phenethylamine class. It is a structural analogue of amphetamine and shares similarities with other substituted amphetamines.

Chemical Name: 4-Fluoroethamphetamine

Chemical Formula: C10H14FNO

Molecular Weight: 181.22 g/mol

4-FEA is typically found in the form of a crystalline powder and is known for its potential psychoactive effects. While research on 4-FEA is limited, it is believed to interact with neurotransmitter systems in the brain, 2-ME-MAF particularly dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, leading to alterations in mood, cognition, and perception. Due to its status as a novel psychoactive substance, 4-FEA is primarily not meant for human consumption; rather, it is utilized for scientific research. Researchers and scientists use 4-FEA in controlled laboratory settings to study its pharmacological properties and potential therapeutic applications.

The legal status of 4-fluoroamphetamine varies by jurisdiction, with regulations governing its production, distribution, and use. Researchers must adhere to local laws and regulations when handling and researching buy 2 fma to ensure compliance and safety. 4 fmp buy is a novel research chemical with potential applications in the study of brain function and behaviour. Further research is needed to fully understand its pharmacological effects and safety profile, making it an area of ongoing interest and investigation in the scientific community.

Key Features of 4-FEA

  • Chemical Composition: 4-FEA, or 4-Fluoroethamphetamine, is a synthetic research chemical belonging to the phenethylamine class. Its chemical formula is C10H14FNO, with a molecular weight of 181.22 g/mol.
  • Physical Form: Typically found as a crystalline powder, 2 fma for sale is easy to handle and store, making it suitable for laboratory research purposes.
  • Psychoactive Effects: 4-fa is known for its potential psychoactive effects, believed to be mediated through interactions with neurotransmitter systems in the brain, particularly dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
  • Research Purposes: Primarily used for scientific research purposes, 4-ACO-DMT  4-FEA is not intended for human consumption. Researchers and scientists use it in controlled laboratory settings to study its pharmacological properties and potential therapeutic applications.
  • Legal Status: The legal status of 4-FEA varies by jurisdiction, with regulations governing its production, distribution, and use. Researchers must adhere to local laws and regulations to ensure compliance and safety.
  • Safety Considerations: Researchers handling 4-Fea(also named 4-Fluoromethamphetamine) is very similar with 4-fa.This product is intended for forensic and research applications. Buy 4-FEA online. should follow stringent safety regulations and recommendations to reduce the risks involved with handling and using it. This includes keeping the compound safely stored and donning the proper safety gear.
  • Regulatory Review: In numerous jurisdictions, 4fma is under regulatory review because it is a novel psychoactive substance. Researchers must be up to date on regulatory modifications and adhere to all relevant statutes and directives.
  • Scientific Interest: Despite limited research on 4-FEA, Buy 4-ACO-DMT Online its potential pharmacological effects make it an area of interest for researchers studying brain function and behaviour. Further research is needed to understand its effects and safety profile fully.


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